
Universitas Islam Riau

NPP : 147107202000001


Universitas Islam Riau

NPP : 147107202000001

Community Service (PkM) Brings Evoce Robot Programming Training to SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru

Pekanbaru, September 15, 2023 – In an effort to improve the quality of education and inspire students, Community Service (PkM) organized an Evoce robot programming training program at SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru. This activity received a warm welcome from the students, who appeared enthusiastic, motivated, and eager to learn new vocabulary.

On Friday, September 15, 2023, the school witnessed this remarkable initiative, led by the Head of PkM, Dr. Sri Yuliani, M. Pd, assisted by two members, Endang Istiqomah, S.Pd, M.Ed, and Dr. Diyah Ayu Rizqiani, M.Hum.

Students of SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru attended the Evoce robot programming training with high spirits. This program aims to introduce them to the world of technology and programming from an early age, provide a strong understanding of basic programming concepts, and enhance their understanding of robotic technology.

Dr. Sri Yuliani, M. Pd, Head of PkM, stated, “We are delighted to see the enthusiasm of the students in participating in this program. We believe that understanding technology and programming is crucial in this advancing world. This program is designed to provide a solid foundation to our students and motivate them to continue learning.”

During the training, students not only learned about Evoce robot programming but also new vocabulary related to technology. They learned about concepts such as algorithms, sensors, and robotic mechanisms while also improving their English language skills.

PkM member, Endang Istiqomah, S.Pd, M.Ed, expressed, “In addition to providing knowledge about programming, we want to integrate the aspect of the English language into this program to enhance students’ communication skills in a technological context. Hopefully, the knowledge they gain will help them in the future.”

The Evoce robot programming training program is expected to be an inspiring start for the students of SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru, helping them understand the fascinating world of technology and motivating them to continue learning and growing. PkM is committed to supporting the education and development of the local community through beneficial initiatives.
