
Universitas Islam Riau

NPP : 1471072D2000001


Universitas Islam Riau

NPP : 147107202000001

Thesis Management Service

The Thesis & Dissertation Processing Service is a library service in processing thesis collections so that they can be used by readers. In processing, it is necessary to ensure that materials that are not yet finished can be utilized by users, especially in the processing of collections in the thesis/dissertation room. The thesis processing service process is as follows:

- Inventory
Inventory is the recording of book numbers or codes used as a reference for how many books have been registered in the library. What needs to be written in the inventory book are: serial number, inventory number, Title of the final assignment, Author, Publisher, Year, Subject, Place of Publication, Origin, and number of copies.

- Stamp Issuance
Input and processing in the application berwyn, slim & repository In this stage, the next process is as follows:
1. Barcode Printing and Label Making
2. Label and barcode attachment

- Shelving
The final process of processing is shelving so that the collection is recognized and known by visitors. Shelving is done to facilitate users in selecting and retrieving collections. Shelving is the final stage of processing, which is placing the collections on shelves to be utilized by library visitors.