Service System
Open Access system specifically for collections
Service Hours
Monday to Friday: 08.00 to 16.00 WIB
Saturday: 08.00 to 15.00 WIB
Monday to Thursday & Saturday: 12.00 to 13.00 WIB
Friday : 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Break Period Description:
*During breaks from Monday to Saturday, visitors can remain in the Library. Library Services (Circulation, Reference, and other Services) are Closed.
Library Contact
Email : [email protected]
Type of Service
- Circulation
- Book Borrowing
- Book Loan Period Extension
- Book Return
- Membership
- Application for Library Exemption Certificate
- Non UIR Visitors
- Circulation Services are located on Lt. 1 and are only provided to civitas who have registered as members of the UIR Library.
- Book Borrowing
- Reference
- Encyclopedias
- Dictionary
- Handbook
- Atlas
- Alqur'an
- Etc
- Encyclopedias
- Foto Copy
- Thesis, Thesis and Dissertation
The services in this section are services about scientific works of UIR academicians (final assignments, theses, theses, and dissertations). Services in this section are limited to on-site reading and photocopying.
Thesis, thesis and dissertation collections are located on the 3rd floor.
- Magazines, Newspapers and Scientific Journals
UIR Library provides a special room for magazines, newspapers and scientific journals to facilitate users who need information on social fields, applied science and technology, including agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries etc.