History of Library
Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) is the oldest university in Riau Province, established on September 4, 1962, coinciding with 23 Zulqaidah 1382 H, under the auspices of the Riau Islamic Education Foundation (YLPI). Along with this, the UIR Library was initially located on Prof. Mohd. Yamin, SH Street, Pekanbaru, where the UIR campus had a two-story building.
In the academic year 1990/1991, the UIR Library moved to a new building located at Marpoyan Pekanbaru Km. 11 with very adequate facilities to serve the increasing number of students.
The progress of UIR continued with the addition of several faculties and study programs. Similarly, the development of infrastructure at UIR expanded with the construction of a four-story library building.
Then, in the academic year 2008/2009, the UIR Library moved to a new building equipped with a collection of 30,952 titles / 62,274 copies of books and various other collections such as references, magazines, tabloids, printed journals, subscribed journals, electronic theses, and a collection that became the hallmark of the UIR Library, namely a collection of research and religious books (Islam). The accreditation value of the UIR Library is in category B based on the Certificate of Accreditation from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia Number 07/1/ee/XII.2011.
Library Goals
“To achieve an ideal digital library with complete infrastructure to meet information needs in order to produce quality graduates with local, national, and international competitiveness.”
Library Targets
To establish the Universitas Islam Riau library as a comprehensive, reliable, and advanced library in line with the development of science and technology (IPTEKS).
To provide Good, Fast & Accurate, Practical, Sympathetic, Harmonious, and Islamic services
To foster cooperation among university libraries, whether public or private, and government institutions
To create a comfortable, orderly, calm, and conducive library atmosphere
Organizational Structure